Spring 2024: AMST 430/680: Place-Based Artistic Research
Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Uchill - Tuesdays, 4:30 - 7:00PM
Are you interested in community-engaged art? Are
you interested in learning from artists and curators
doing research in and about cities like Baltimore?
Seminar in American Signs: Place-Based Artistic Research
will undertake field work and field trips to learn with and
among artists, curators and cultural producers in and
around Bal3more. CADVC artist residents will work with
students on individual place-based artistic research
Spring, 2024, Tuesdays: 4:30-7pm.
Offered to undergraduate and graduate students as
AMST430/680 or ART329/691
Questions? Contact Dr. Rebecca Uchill ruchill@umbc.edu
Posted: December 4, 2023, 2:02 PM